Rotary Meetings
Rotary Clubs meet regularly—weekly, biweekly or online—following a general set of Rotarian customs and protocols
Rotary Club meetings are the most common way for members to gather in Fellowship, allowing Rotarians to interact with each other and engage in the discussion of ideas and learning opportunities.
Every Rotary Club meets once a week, twice a month, online, and in many cases on a social setting as a alternate and fun way to gather. Depending on the location, Rotary Clubs meet early in the morning for breakfast and before the workday starts, at lunch time or in the evening after members leave their place of work.
Fellowship time is often held either before or after a Rotary Club meeting, which also follow a customary sequence:
- Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
- An Invocation or Words of Wisdom
- Introduction of Guests and Visiting Rotarians
- Happy Dollars or Dollars for Polio
- Meeting Program (Guest Speaker or Club Assembly)
- Rotary District and Club Announcements
- Recital of the Four Way Test
Rotarians visiting another Rotary Club often bring a banner, a Club pin, or a gift from their home town or region. You should make every attempt to wear your Rotary Pin—which you would be presented during the membership induction ceremony—at all times, but particularly when planning to visit a Rotary Club other than your own.
Interested in joining a Rotary Club in Central Florida?
Rotary needs People of Action just like YOU to continue achieving its mission—and it all can start by requesting an invite to a Rotary meeting near your home or workplace. We continue building the next generation of Rotarian leaders to keep our wheel turning and fueling progress for our communities and the world as a whole.